

Dear Friends,

I am excited to welcome you to our website, OnePassion Ministries. We are excited to see how God will continue to use it to further His Kingdom. We want you to be a significant part of its outreach.

What does OnePassion stand for? We desire that believers everywhere be fervent in their devotion to Jesus Christ. This ministry is committed to the bold proclamation of God’s Word around the world that will instill an intense passion for the glory of God and for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that the resources you find here will encourage you in your Christian life. Further, I desire that they provide you with valuable tools to live solely for God and His glory.

The goal of this ministry is not small, but it is awesome and glorious. It is to see a new day, ushered in by God, in which believers will be mightily strengthened by His grace to live distinctively Christian lives. Moreover, we long to see the church reformed according to the timeless standard of His Word and be re-energized by His Spirit. In addition, we desire to see this world reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ and brought to Faith in Him.

In so doing, the aim of this ministry includes the training of pastors and church leaders in biblical preaching. More than anything else, the pulpits of churches must be returned to solid teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Such exposition must be God-exalting, Christ-centered, and Spirit-empowered. All epic moments in church history have been restored to this highwater mark in the pulpit.

To accomplish this goal, OnePassion, hosts conferences around the country, as well as internationally, in order to equip the pastors in expository preaching. Further, we plan conferences to motivate believers to live with a singular passion for God.

To this end may you live with one passion for God…for His glory…forever.

Blessings in Christ,

Steven J. Lawson