An update letter from Dr. Lawson on recent ministry travels including, Los Angeles, Dallas, Switzerland, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
Dear friends,
I continue to be thankful for the many doors that God opens for the preaching of the word of God and for training men for this calling. This past July has been filled with many such opportunities.
I began the month of July by preaching at Arden Presbyterian Church in Asheville, North Carolina, where I preached on Philippians 1:6 entitled “God Finishes What He Starts.” It was a special blessing to have my wife, Anne, and all four of our children, along with our new son-in-law, Grant, there for this July 4th holiday weekend. It was like old times for me to have each of them present as I preached that Sunday morning. I even managed to play a few rounds of golf with them as well.
I then flew to Los Angeles, California, where I taught the doctor of ministry program at The Master’s Seminary. I lectured on the balance between substance and style in the pulpit. We had some 65 men from all over the world in attendance, many of them men I had recruited as I have traveled around the world preaching.
I then preached on Sunday morning at Grace community Church, where John MacArthur pastors. It is always a great experience to be able to preach where the word of God has been so greatly honored over the years.
I flew the next day, Monday, to Dallas, Texas, where I preached at the EK Bailey conference on expository preaching. The timing on this was extraordinary. This was a couple of days after five police officers were shot in downtown Dallas. I preached to 1,000 African-American pastors just blocks from where this shooting took place. I believe that God had me there for a very special purpose as I exposited Psalm 11.
The next day, Anne and I flew to London, and then to Basal, Switzerland, where we began the Rhine River Cruise for the Ligonier Ministries. I was one of the main speakers on this cruise, as I taught those in attendance from Romans 1:1-17. On this cruise, we sailed from Switzerland to France, to Germany, and concluded in Amsterdam in The Netherlands. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and teaching as we got to know many wonderful people who were apart of this amazing trip.
We then flew home to Dallas Texas, where I have spent the last week finishing two book manuscripts. One book is on the cost of discipleship from Luke 14:25-35. The other book is a commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. The final editing process on manuscripts like these can be enormously demanding. I am thankful for my family, who stepped in to proofread and make many suggestions.
As I look back on the month of July, I am amazed what all that God has allowed us to do in serving His people. The effective outreach of OnePassion Ministries has been remarkable. Only God could have done all that has been accomplished for His kingdom.
Please pray for the many Institutes for Expository Preaching that lie ahead in places like Asheville, Toronto, Chicago, Sacramento, Rhode Island and Anaheim. We are having a considerable number of pastors and Bible teachers signing up to attend our conferences. We appreciate your prayers for these events, as we pray the pastors’ lives are impacted and the effectiveness of their ministries increased.
Thank you for your continued interest in this ministry. Your prayers and support are greatly needed and appreciated. God is using you greatly to uphold this work, which He has called us today.
I look forward to communicating with you this time next month updating you on the many places that God is using OnePassion.
Blessings in Christ,
Steven Lawson
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