June Update Letter from Dr. Lawson


The month of June has been amazing month of ministry for us at OnePassion. I left Dallas at the end of May and have spent the entire month of June on the road, literally traveling around the world preaching at a fast pace. I want to walk you through where I have been and what the Lord has accomplished through our ministry.
Before I retrace our steps, let me thank you for your interest in OnePassion. I also want to also express my gratitude to many of you for your support, both in prayer and in financial giving. It is your upholding us that allows us to extend this crucial work around the world. 

Expositor Magazine
I am excited for our next issue of Expositor Magazine to be released, which will focus on the life and impact of William Tyndale and the English Reformation he led, as well as other key Reformers known as the Marian Martyrs, those burned at the stake by Bloody Mary. We have also just introduced a digital subscription option of Expositor so for those interested you can subscribe to it here.



Expositor Podcasts
Each week we post an Expositor podcast on various topics. Included in recent podcasts are subjects involving preaching, ministry and church history. Upcoming podcasts topics will include, Using Illustrations in a Sermon, Getting to the Application and What Makes for a Good Delivery?  

The Institute for Expository Preaching
Miami, Edinburgh, Columbus

There are several more Institute events coming up this year in 2017 so please come join me at one near you. We have one in Miami, Florida on August 3-5, Edinburgh, Scotland on September 13 and Columbus, Ohio on November 2-4. I believe these are extremely helpful and dynamic events designed to help anyone in the ministry in their exposition of the word of God.  Click here to find out more and to register.

The Institute for Expository Preaching
Havelock, New Zealand

Hosted by Riverbend Bible Church in Havelock, New Zealand, we held the Institute for Expository Preaching which was well attended by over 60 pastors and church leaders. These men came from all parts of New Zealand, Australia, the Fiji Islands, and American Samoa. It was amazing to see so many preachers gathered from such diverse backgrounds, yet share so much in common. Despite their different backgrounds, the call of God upon each man in attendance was the same, the charge to preach the word. The teaching that I gave was straightforward and Scripture-based, including several lively question-and-answer sessions. Moreover, the fellowship among the men was truly rich and encouraging. 

Impact Bible Conference
Havelock, New Zealand

While there, I stayed and preached at the annual Impact Bible Conference delivering four sermons from Hebrews 12:1-17 on “Running the Race”. It was a joy to meet people who were converted to Christ when I was last there over 10 years ago. This was a encouraging reminder that we are never fully aware of all that God is doing in the hearts of people when we preach His word. 
In New Zealand, I also filmed several introductions and conclusions that have been edited onto the videos of the sermons that I preached at the Impact Conference. These segments were then sent back to the United States in order to be shown for the Men’s Bible Study while I am out of town. Wherever I travel around the world, people are telling me that they are regular viewers of this study. I am astonished at how God has spread this Bible study to reach a global audience around the world.



Instep Bible Conference
Adelaide, Australia

As I then traveled from New Zealand to Australia, I went from Napier, to Auckland, to Melbourne, to Adelaide; four airports in one day, quite an exhausting experience. However travel days provide me much time to write books and articles, especially for the next issue of Expositor magazine. While sitting on an airplane and in airports, I am grateful to be able to continue working on various ministry projects. 
In Adelaide, Australia, I preached five times at the Instep Bible Conference, including the Sunday morning worship service at New Community Church. I expounded the first five “I Am” statements, spoken by Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospel of John. I preached on I am the bread of life, the light of the world, the door of the sheep, the Good Shepherd, and the resurrection and the life (John 6:35; 8:12; 10:7-10, 11-18; 11:25-26). I must tell you that proclaiming Christ from these passages was exceptionally powerful.
Again there were many who told me that they are a regular part of our Men’s Bible study. What is equally encouraging is how many women tell me that they watch the broadcast as well. I am thankful for these devoted ladies who study the Scripture with us. If you are not joining us for this Bible study, let me encourage you to go to our website where you can watch each of the past studies. They are also live streamed at various times.

The Institute for Expository Preaching
Manila, Philippines

As I tell you about my subsequent trip to Manila, Philippines, I hardly have a category into which I can place this ministry opportunity. It was such an enriching and encouraging time for me to be with and minister to many there. We held The Institute for Expository Preaching at the University of the Philippines, hosted by Higher Rock and we normally have around one hundred pastors and church leaders attend. To our amazement there were over 850 attendees at our Institute there. For two days, I taught from 9:00am to 5:30pm, followed by a book signing one day for an hour and half. I also completed several question-and-answer sessions which I believe added an element of spontaneity and heightened energy. 


The Sufficiency of Scripture Conference
Manila, Philippines

The next day, I preached an all day conference at the University of the Philippines on The Sufficiency of Scripture in which I gave five messages on the Bible itself–what it claims to be, why believe it, what it will do, how to interpret it, and how to live it. There were over 1,600 people present for these sessions, and the attendees were attentive and enthusiastic. The next day, I preached on a text that the pastor requested, Luke 24:25-35, a message I have given before, “It Will Cost You Everything.” It was a complete joy to minister there with such dear brothers and sisters in the faith. 

Foundations Conference
New York City

Upon returning to the States, it was my privilege to fly to New York City and speak at the Foundations Conference, hosted by SermonAudio. I brought the concluding message to the conference on “The Preaching of the Reformation.” There were attendees from many different places, even one pastor from as far away as Scotland. The Lord helped me give a succinct overview of the Protestant Reformation, followed by the four key distinctives of the Reformed pulpit in the sixteenth century. For those present, as well as through the SermonAudio website, I believe and pray that this message will have a far reaching effect.

Thank you for allowing me to update you on various aspects in our ministry. We are grateful for your support, prayers, and gifts. The Lord is providing through you to keep us going. May we will hold fast to the truth of the gospel of Christ and committed to spreading its message around this world. 
