The Chosen Remnant – Romans 11:1-6

Father in heaven, thank You for this time for us to come together to study Your Word. Thank You for these men who are so devoted to Christ, and I pray that You would bless them, sanctify them, strengthen them. And for everyone who is watching by livestream and through website post, I pray that You will attend to their needs and minister to them. So, give us now eyes to see, understand Your Word. Fill me with your Spirit that I can be a faithful teacher of Your Word. And we pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! – Romans 10:18-21

Father, as we approach Your Word, we are mindful of our need for the Holy Spirit to be our primary teacher and to guide us into all truth. So, I pray that now as we start this study that Your Spirit would work in me to be a faithful secondary teacher and that the Spirit would be at work in each and every man who is here today. And for those joining us on live stream around the world, I pray that You would meet with everyone who is a part of our study. So, give us eyes to see, give us a heart to understand. We pray this in Christ’s name, amen.


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Gospel Preaching – Romans 10:14-17

Father, thank you so much for Your Word, that we have the record of what You have to say to us as permanently recorded. And as we now open pages of Scripture, we ask that Your Holy Spirit would be the Instructor, the Teacher. I pray that You would bless these men, that You would build them up in their faith as we look into Your Word. I pray for those who are watching by live stream that You would meet with them right where they are. So, put Your hand upon me strongly for good and use me now to teach Your Word. I pray this in Christ’s name, amen.


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Jesus is Lord – Romans 10:9-13

Okay, we are still in Romans. Romans chapter 10, and this morning depending upon how quick I can talk and how fast you can listen, my goal is to look at verses 9 through 13. And I would love to be able to take that in if it is possible. So, Romans 10 verses 9 through 13. The title of this lesson is “Jesus is Lord.” And I don’t know that I can come up with a better title for any study than “Jesus is Lord.”


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Christ and the Law – Romans 10:4-8

Father, as we come now to the study of Your Word, we recognize we are totally, completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us into the understanding of Your Word, as well as to be challenged by the Spirit to put it into practice in our own lives. I pray that You will use me really just as a secondary teacher to help explain this text, but we pray the Spirit would be the great Illuminator and Enlightener. Open our eyes that we may behold Your Word. Lord, I thank you for these men. I pray that you will, this summer, just continue to mature them in the Lord and grow them in the grace and knowledge of Christ. I pray that You would now fill me with Your Spirit and stir up within me the gift you’ve put within me so that we can dig into this text and understand and apply what it says. Father, we pray this in Christ’s name. Amen.


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The Tragedy of Unbelief – Romans 9:30-33

Father, as we now look into Your Word, we approach it with reverence and awe. We desire to clothe ourselves with humility. We desire to be slow to speak and quick to hear. We desire for the seed of the Word to find fertile soil in our hearts. We desire that You would cause the Word to bear much fruit in our lives. We are all at different places in our walk with You. Draw from this one passage of Scripture, Lord, and meet each one of us exactly where we are. I pray that the practical relevance of even this text would be very clear as we try to teach sound doctrine. So, I thank You for these men. I thank you for those who are watching all around the world, even the ladies who are joining us by livestream. Bless this study now in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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April Update Letter from Dr. Lawson

As we enter into the month of May, it is with deep gratitude and great pleasure that I look back on what God accomplished through this ministry in April. Our unwavering goal at OnePassion is to boldly preach the gospel to the lost and strengthen believers in their faith as they hold fast to the truth of God’s word. As each door opens, this is our constant prayer for this ministry. Let me take a few moments to tell you about the month of April and all the Lord has done.


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The Chosen Remnant – Romans 9:27-29

Father, as we begin this study today, we ask now that You would be our teacher, that You would illumine our understanding and likeness into Your Word. We are totally dependent upon Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all the truth. I think of what Jesus said to Peter, “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.” So Father in heaven, please make known to us with greater insight and clarity the truth of Your Word and also help us to live it that we can put it into practice. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Divine Certainty – Romans 9:25-26

We are in Romans 9 and I need to begin in a word of prayer. So, let me pray: Father, as we begin this study, we ask that You would open our eyes to see and behold the truths in Your Word. We pray that You would work it into our hearts and into our souls that we would be affected both even in our emotions but even in the challenge to our will as a result of these words. And I pray that as we leave in a bit that we will be transformed, that we will leave different even than when we came in. I thank You for these men who are here. I thank You for all who are watching by livestream, I pray Your blessing upon them. And I ask now that You would fill me with Your Spirit and use me to teach Your Word. So, Father, we commit this hour to You in Christ’s name. Amen.


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The Potter and the Clay – Romans 9:19-24

Father, as we look now into Your Word, I pray that You would instruct us and teach us regarding who You are and how You deal with humanity. Lord, we see that You are sovereign and we gladly acknowledge that, that You are supreme in Your authority over all the earth and You have appointed the eternal destiny of every man. And so, Father, enlarge our understanding today, and more than that, enlarge our heart for You and deepen our humility before You. Use this even to mature us and to develop us further into men of God. We pray this in Christ’s name. Amen


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